Компанията е основана през 1994 година като БМ Шипинг ООД, част от Balkan Machinery Holding. За период от 4 години компанията притежава и менажира изцяло 3 кораба.
Като пряк наследник на БМ Шипинг, през 1998 се основава БСМ Шипинг, компания за корабно менажиране и агентиране.
Ние случваме нещата лесно и бързо:
През годините БСМ Шипинг разширява дейностите си като поема изцяло управлението на корабните на Балкан Машинъри Нолдинг София и Alpha Chartering USA. В задълженията на компанията влизат опаративен, финансов, технически и търговски мениджмънт, както и снабдяване с екипажи. Компанията разчита на експертизата на своя митивира и опитен екип.
БСМ има дългогодишен опит в покупко-продажбата на кораби и провежда предпродажбени сървеи.
Компанията организира покупката на m/v Balkanstar 4, m/v Balkan Future (ex Wira Zamrud), m/v Balkan Trader и ексклузивно управлява корабите, участва в продажбата на: of m/v Balkan Star 1 и в покупката на m/v Swan, m/v Iskatel, m/v Fugro Navigator.
Management team
Capt. Hristo Donev
Master Mariner with 17 year experience at sea 16 of them in Navigation Maritime Bulgare (the biggest state shipowner in Bulgaria) and 1 year for Zodiac Shipping. 1994 Established own ship-owning and ship management company BM Shipping and BSM Shipping Ltd. The last 8 years was elected as CEO of Navigation Maritime Bulgare and the Bulgarian Shipbuilding Yard. He was responsible for the management of 5500 personnel and a fleet of over 120 multipurpose, container and handy size vessels. He was the manager who worked for the privatization of the company, developed and implemented the new management structure and the total restructuring and renewal of the company and fleet meeting the new private environment requirements. Under his management were built 6 vessels size 20 – 42 000 DWT and the company became economically and financially flourishing. His management style led the company to leading positions in the Black Sea region, regained its good name and a reputation as a trustworthy partner. His extensive experience in the Top Management of a company like Navigation Maritime Bulgare is a guarantee for professionalism and high quality.
Mrs. Ralitsa Christova
Holds a University Degree in International Economic Relations at the University of Economics in Varna, Certificate of Management by New Bulgarian University and Diploma in Corporate Management by Open University London. 1998 together with Capt. Donev established and run BSM Shipping Ltd – a ship management company. After the privatization of Navigation Maritime Bulgare, the biggest ship-owner in Bulgaria, was asked to join their Management team as Management Coordinator.
She was responsible for the entire performance and coordination of the activities of all five fleets of the company. Amongst her primary responsibilities was the implementation of the new management structure. She created a working structure, appointing the right people to the right positions, preparing the whole documental instructions set for all departments, coordinated with the Top Management the daily work of the fleets, reported directly to the Top Management and implemented their decisions in the departments below. She was monitoring the financial results of all the fleets.
Mrs. Hristova designed the corporate identity of Navigation Maritime Bulgare including but not limited to implementing a new corporate image and new corporate moral and the publishing and edition of the official newspaper of the company.
Alexander Christov
Master’s Degree in Ships Navigation. 5-year experience at sea as navigation officer on Navibulgar ships. Worked as a chartering broker, ship agent, operations manager.
Since 2008 worked for Navigation Maritime Bulgare as a Fleet Manager. He was responsible for the entire performance of a bulkcarriers fleet of 13 handymax size vessels as well as the management of the entire personnel in the fleet. Each of the fleets is a separate business unit and the job of the Fleet Manager could be described as being the Managing Director of a small ship owning company managing, monitoring and running the overall business activities of the company.
He has profound knowledge and extensive experience in the sphere of ship-management, ISM/ISPS management, inspections, audits and repair-works, claims handling and supplies of all kinds. He is competent at negotiations. Very well acquainted with the different types of charter-parties. He works well with budgets and financial analysis.
Plamen Dimitrov
Master’s degree in Ships Navigation and Law. Chief Officer with 3-year experience at sea in Navibulgar and Zodiac. 10 years shipping experience in BSM Shipping as Superintendent, Operator, Broker and DPA. Last 3 years worked for Navigation Maritime Bulgare as Fleet Manager. He was responsible for the entire performance of a bulkcarriers fleet of 13 handymax size vessels as well as the management of the entire personnel in the fleet. Each of the fleets is a separate business unit and the job of the Fleet Manager could be described as being the Managing Director of a small ship owning company managing, monitoring and running the overall business activities of the company.
He has profound knowledge and extensive experience in the sphere of ship-management, ISM/ISPS management, inspections, audits and repair-works, claims handling and supplies of all kinds. He is competent at negotiations and works well with budgets and financial analysis.
We commenced in 1994 as BM Shipping Ltd., being a part of a big Holding Group, named Balkan Machinery Holding. The company owned and fully managed 3 ships for a period of 4 years.
1998 the ship-management company BSM Shipping Ltd was established in Varna. BSM is a direct successor of BM Shipping.
BSM Shipping expanded its activities to full management of the fleet of Balkan Machinery Holding Sofia and Alpha Chartering USA. Among company responsibilities were the operational, financial, technical and crew management, offering flexibility and excellent performance through its well-trained, experienced and motivated personnel.
BSM has a profound experience in purchase/selling of ships and carries out pre-selling surveys.
The company arranged the purchase of m/v Balkanstar 4, m/v Balkan Future (ex Wira Zamrud), m/v Balkan Trader and fully managed the vessels, participated in the sale: of m/v Balkan Star 1 and in the purchase of m/v Swan, m/v Iskatel, m/v Fugro Navigator.
BSM is an authorized St.Vincent & the Grenadines Flag State Surveyor /www.svg-marad.com/.
9000 VARNA, Bulgaria
7, Radko Dimitriev Str., office 4
Group structure
BSM Group is a group of ship agency, ship management, event management and book publisher companies, focused mainly on the quality of the services, understanding the needs of their clients and offering the best solutions.

BIMCO /www.bimco.dk/
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry /www.bcci.bg/
The Bulgarian Association of Ship Brokers and Agents /www.basba.eu/
The Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry /www.vcci.bg/
The Bulgarian Association of Private Proprietors /www.union-vuzrazdane.eu/
We commenced in 1994 as BM Shipping Ltd., being a part of a big Holding Group, named Balkan Machinery Holding. The company owned and fully managed 3 ships for a period of 4 years.
1998 the ship-management company BSM Shipping Ltd was established in Varna. BSM is a direct successor of BM Shipping.
BSM Shipping expanded its activities to full management of the fleet of Balkan Machinery Holding Sofia and Alpha Chartering USA. Among company responsibilities were the operational, financial, technical and crew management, offering flexibility and excellent performance through its well-trained, experienced and motivated personnel.
BSM has a profound experience in purchase/selling of ships and carries out pre-selling surveys.
The company arranged the purchase of m/v Balkanstar 4, m/v Balkan Future (ex Wira Zamrud), m/v Balkan Trader and fully managed the vessels, participated in the sale: of m/v Balkan Star 1 and in the purchase of m/v Swan, m/v Iskatel, m/v Fugro Navigator.
BSM is an authorized St.Vincent & the Grenadines Flag State Surveyor /www.svg-marad.com/.
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39m² 2 TOILETS



Ул. Радко Димитриев, 7,
Варна 9000, България